
mg不朽情缘游戏网址 Partners for its 10th Year with the United Way in the Free Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program


雪利酒 墨丘里奥教练
(614) 947-6581
电子邮件: 雪利酒.mercurio@mg不朽情缘试玩.edu


mg不朽情缘游戏网址, 俄亥俄州中部在职成人教育的领导者, is proud to announce its 10th year anniversary participating in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program with United Way of Central 俄亥俄州’s Tax Time to deliver free tax preparation services. 利用其在线专业知识和访问权限, the 大学 has enhanced its virtual support services for the good of the community, in addition to offering Saturday drop-off appointments. The VITA service is available to those with disabilities and limited English-speaking taxpayers in the central 俄亥俄州 community, and provides staffing to prepare tax returns for filers with $64,收入在000元或以下.

Franklin’s continued partnership provides a community-forward focus that compliments the 大学’s applied approach to education. 学生 participating in this year’s effort have the benefit of pairing curriculum with experimental learning through this service learning. In addition to the benefits of helping process benefits to participating clients, students likewise profit from nearly 50 service hours of community service over the course of the two and a half months tax preparation offering, 除了有价值之外, 实习培训. 为今年的报税服务做准备, volunteers and students have put their training to the test by becoming IRS-certified. Training consists of 30 mandated videos covering topics ranging from filing status to determining alien tax status. 

Building on the practical skills developed through Franklin’s 会计 and Financial degree programs, participating students may earn credits through Franklin’s 会计 411 course offering, 除了获得软技能, such as self-assurance to engage in conversations about sensitive financial matters, along with the confidence to answer common inquiries about federal and state tax codes. 扩大他们的学位, students learn to research in real-time and problem-solve while exercising professional service skills by troubleshooting the more difficult tax problems and less common documents that taxpayers may bring or upload for this consulting session.

The experience of propelling his knowledge outside the classroom while giving back drew Richard Turski to the program as a student volunteer, “I appreciate the opportunity to not only advance in my academics but to offer help and guidance to those in our community to properly, 有效地, 并有效地提交他们的税款.”

预计就业增长7%.2% by 2030, 根据Emsi劳动力市场分析, accounting students at Franklin are set up for success with hands-on experience taught by in-field accounting professionals. “We want our students to graduate not only with the relevant skills and knowledge to be successful in their careers, but also recognize the importance of their social responsibilities as citizens,根据mg不朽情缘试玩博士的说法. Martina Peng, CFP®, chair of the Department of 会计, Finance, and Risk 管理.

符合条件的候选人可以拨打2-1-1或到 to see if they qualify for this free tax preparation service. United Way has integrated a new scheduling service to make appointments for Saturday drop-off times: # / book-appointment / select-s…….

To learn more about Franklin’s accredited online master’s in 会计 program, 排名第一的在线会计学位, 访问:


认证, 非营利组织, 自1902年以来一直致力于成人教育, Franklin provides onsite course options at our Main Campus in downtown 哥伦布, 俄亥俄州, and is an innovator in providing personalized online education. 该大学提供按需申请的本科课程, 大师, and doctorate programs that enable adult learners to achieve their educational and professional goals. 通过与伙伴机构达成协议, the 大学 also offers international academic programs, 包括排名第一的MBA.

mg不朽情缘游戏网址 is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and holds specialized accreditations for specific academic programs through the International 认证 Council for 业务 教育, 大学护理教育委员会, the Council for the 认证 of Educator Preparation, and the Commission on 认证 of 卫生信息学 and Information 管理 教育. The National 安全 Agency and the Department of 首页land 安全 have designated mg不朽情缘游戏网址 as a National Center of Academic Excellence in 网络防御 教育 (CAE-CDE).


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