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Every business—no matter its size or industry—needs solid financial planning and management to succeed. 毫无疑问,金融领导职位的需求量很大. 根据Lightcast, from 2022-2032, finance jobs are expected to grow an impressive 10.9%.

High-level finance positions require significant expertise and specific technical skills. One way to gain those skills and obtain the qualifications you need for a well-paying position in this field is to earn a 工商管理硕士 (MBA) with a specialization in finance.


MBA课程为专业人士在广泛领域的发展做好准备. 通常, mba侧重于培养领导技能, 战略思维和一般商业知识. Professionals who are ready to move into management or a higher-level role often use MBAs as a launchpad into those positions. 

MBAs with a specialization in finance include the elements of a general MBA program, 为学生提供商业策略的基础知识, 人力资源, 市场营销等. 然而, they go deeper into the specifics of financial leadership than general MBA programs, 在金融建模等领域学习更高级的课程, 会计与分析.


MBA课程的长度因学校而异, 全日制课程通常需要一到两年的时间. 然而,一些学校提供更灵活的选择. mg不朽情缘游戏网址’s MBA with a specialization in finance is designed for working professionals and takes as little as 12 months.


在你申请MBA课程之前, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree in any field from an accredited college or university. 一些商学院要求GMAT成绩,  必备的课程, 或者有一定的工作经验来申请. Franklin’s program does not require test scores, prerequisites, or specific work experience. 相反,至少有2分的申请人.75 GPA from their undergraduate institution are invited to apply for individual consideration.

选择硕士项目最重要的是什么? 比较特点、好处和成本,找到适合你的学校.



Students who wish to pursue a career in finance often choose between an MBA in finance and a Master of Finance degree. 而这两个学位都为金融原理提供了坚实的基础, 它们确实有重要的区别.

The primary differentiator is that an MBA in finance maintains a strong leadership focus, meaning that students in the program explore the full range of challenges that a CEO or chief financial officer might take on. 经常, 进入MBA课程的学生都有一些工作经验, 而金融硕士项目往往会吸引新进入职场的人.

 “An MBA in finance is a degree geared toward individuals wanting to take management courses in finance and expand their finance analytical and strategic skills,博士解释道。. mg不朽情缘试玩商学院MBA项目主席克里斯汀·马丁说. “金融专业提供了一个均衡的课程, 包括结合管理和定量技能的课程. An MBA in finance will assist in building your management skills while preparing you for work in the financial realm of any company, 尤其是金融业.”

While Franklin’s MBA in finance program incorporates courses in financial theory, 数学, 定量金融学, 投资, 市场, 财务报告、分析和估值, 金融硕士更深入地研究这些主题.

The choice between the two degrees depends entirely on your preferences and goals. The Master of Finance degree may be a better choice if you wish to work in a technical role in the financial industry. 相比, the MBA in finance is likely a better choice if you hope to attain an executive leadership position eventually.


如果你在mg不朽情缘游戏网址攻读金融MBA, 你将学到广泛的一般管理和具体的财务技能.


  • 有效沟通: Learn to communicate your strategy and critical milestones effectively with stakeholders, 从董事会到整个组织的员工.
  • 管理经济学: 理解和应用基本的经济概念,如市场需求, 供应, 平衡, 边际分析, 生产, 成本与收入.
  • 财务和管理会计: 探索公司治理、资产保护和高级会计主题.
  • 营销管理: Learn to work closely with your marketing team to apply innovative strategies and to develop product, 定价和促销策略符合消费者行为.
  • 人力资源管理: Prepare to collaborate with your 人力资源 team to develop effective strategies to engage and inspire employees across the organization.
  • 商业策略: Develop the ability to formulate and enact organizational strategies that keep your company ahead of the competition.


  • 公司财务: 完善你对美国的理解.S. 财务系统和资本预算策略, 资本结构, 以及投资机会的评估.
  • 先进的投资: 发展资本市场的先进知识, 管理投资组合所需的金融机构和分析工具. 利用计算机模拟和模型来建立实际的投资技能.
  • 全球金融: Prepare to manage corporate finances in a global context by delving into topics like exchange rate risk management, cross-border investment strategies and participation in international money and capital 市场.


An MBA in finance is a highly versatile degree inside and outside the financial services industry. Whether you aspire to a financial leadership position in a global company or manage corporate investment portfolios, 拥有MBA学位是一项宝贵的资产. 通常, graduates of MBA in finance programs take on roles that involve significant financial oversight. 他们还经常负责战略决策.  


  • 首席执行官(工资中位数:179,525美元)
  • 财务经理(工资中位数:131,706美元)
  • 金融和投资分析师(薪资中位数:91,582美元)
  • 个人理财顾问(工资中位数:94,162美元)
  • 其他金融专家(工资中位数:73,237美元)


了解更多 金融MBA的用途.


These days, competition is fierce for higher-level managerial positions—especially executive roles. 而一个学士学位可能会让你进入一家公司, 金融MBA学位可以帮助你在拥挤的求职者中脱颖而出. 

博士. 马丁解释道, “An MBA with a specialization in finance can set you apart from applicants with similar work experience, 尤其是那些寻求财务领导职位的人.”

除了帮你获得更高的头衔, 获得MBA学位通常会带来显著的薪资提升. 根据Lightcast, in 2022, 在商业上刊登薪水广告的职位, management and financial operations that required an MBA paid a median of $120,每年200美元. 这些领域的招聘广告只需要学士学位, 另一方面, 工资中位数为80美元,300.

MBA programs also offer a unique opportunity to build your professional network. 在获得学位的同时, 你会发展与教师和专家在你的领域的关系, 以及未来的同事. For many students, these connections provide an entry point into new companies and industries.


准备好投资你的长期潜力,攻读金融MBA? mg不朽情缘试玩的学位课程100%在线授课, offering unmatched flexibility for professionals ready to take the next step in their careers. 按照自己的进度学习课程,以适应自己的时间表和预算, 并在短短12个月内完成你的学位.

Our curriculum is designed by a diverse array of business and industry leaders and delivered by faculty who are practitioners in the field. 与教师一起参加可选的同步会话, 演讲嘉宾, 和同学们一起提问,深入探讨具有挑战性的话题. 当你需要支持时,mg不朽情缘游戏网址随时为你提供帮助. 你的未来从这里开始. 

了解更多 mg不朽情缘游戏网址的金融MBA学位如何帮助你实现职业目标.

Discover 10 of the most in-demand master's degrees based on salary and job growth.